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Exporting a Frame from After Effects: A Guide

Are you looking to export a single frame from your After Effects composition? Whether you need a snapshot for a thumbnail, poster, or reference, this guide will walk you through the process step by step. You’ll learn how to export frames in different formats such as JPEG, PNG, PSD, and TIFF. Let’s dive in and explore the easy way to get the perfect frame export.

Save Frame As The Starting Point

Begin by opening the desired composition in After Effects and positioning the time indicator at the exact frame you wish to export. Go to the Composition menu, select “Save Frame As,” and then choose “File.” If the Render Queue doesn’t appear, access it via the Window menu. In the Render Queue, locate the Output Module and choose your default setting, like Photoshop.

Output Module Settings: Format Selection

Upon selecting the Output Module, the settings window will open. In the Format dropdown, pick the file type you want to create. Opt for Photoshop Sequence for .psd files, JPEG Sequence for .jpg files, PNG Sequence for .png files, and TIFF Sequence for .tif files. Despite the term “Sequence,” remember that you’re exporting a single frame.

For PSDs, TIFFs, and PNGs with alpha channels, select “RGB + Alpha” from the Channels dropdown. If an alpha channel isn’t necessary, stick with “RGB.” Once done, confirm the settings and close the Output Module window.

Output To Settings: Naming and Destination

In the Render Queue, click the file name next to Output To. Give your file a name and set the destination. Save the settings and proceed. Finally, click the Render button in the Render Queue to initiate the frame export process.

Comparison Table

FeatureExporting with Alpha ChannelExporting without Alpha Channel
Transparency InformationPreservedNot Applicable
Channels Dropdown SelectionRGB + AlphaRGB

Video Guide

To give you an even more detailed understanding of this topic, we have prepared a special video for you. Enjoy watching it. 


In conclusion, mastering the art of exporting frames from After Effects opens up a world of possibilities for enhancing your projects. Whether you need a still image for reference, sharing on social media, or incorporating into other design work, After Effects provides you with versatile options to tailor your exports to specific requirements.

By following the steps outlined in this tutorial, you can seamlessly save a single frame in various formats such as JPEG, PNG, PSD, or TIFF. Remember that while formats like PSD, TIFF, and PNG offer the advantage of retaining transparency information through alpha channels, JPEG lacks this feature.

Furthermore, the ability to choose whether to export with or without an alpha channel gives you control over how your frame integrates with other elements. The Channels dropdown selection, where you can opt for RGB + Alpha for transparency or simply RGB, ensures that your exported image meets your exact needs.

As you become more familiar with exporting frames, you’ll find that this skill empowers you to create stunning visuals, showcase your work effectively, and collaborate with others seamlessly. The process might seem intricate initially, but with practice, it will become second nature, enhancing your proficiency in After Effects and elevating the quality of your projects. So, whether you’re a seasoned professional or just getting started, harness the power of exporting frames in After Effects to take your creative endeavors to new heights.


1. Can I export multiple frames at once?

Yes, After Effects allows you to export multiple frames at once through the Render Queue. You can set up a sequence of frames and choose the desired format and settings for each frame.

2. Is it possible to export frames with a transparent background?

Yes, you can export frames with a transparent background using formats like PSD, TIFF, and PNG. Simply select the RGB + Alpha option from the Channels dropdown in the Output Module Settings.

3. Can I export frames as video files instead of images?

Yes, you can export frames as video files using the Render Queue. Instead of selecting image formats, you can choose video formats like QuickTime or H.264.

4. Are there any limitations to using the JPEG format for exporting frames?

While the JPEG format is widely used and supported, it doesn’t support transparency or an alpha channel. Therefore, if you need a transparent background, it’s better to choose formats like PSD, TIFF, or PNG.