
What After Effects is used for

Effects Library
What really sets After Effects apart from all other video applications is its extensive effects library. There are literally hundreds of built-in effects that can be combined to create an unlimited number of all kinds of combinations. That may sound too good to be true, but in After Effects – if you can dream it, you can do it.

  1. simulation effects – There are 18 simulation effects built into Adobe After Effects. These simulation effects can be used to create anything from rain to hair. All of these effects are fully customizable. When you combine them with other effects, you can greatly expand their functionality.
  2. The stylized effects found in After Effects are useful for creating your video layers that would not otherwise be possible. These drag-and-drop effects can be easily manipulated to create stunning looks and styles. Notable effects in this category include the CC Glass effect and the pasteurization effect.
  3. All other categories of effects – In addition to those mentioned above, there are dozens of other categories that all do something different. For example, there is a whole category of effects dedicated to different types of blurring. There’s also a color correction category with effects that can generate whatever look you want to convey. There’s also a Perspective category, which includes a 3D camera tracker effect that makes it easy to track your video footage.

Title Design
With such unique design features, After Effects is a great program for creating the perfect titles for your video projects. The “captioning” tool built into After Effects works just like most word processors. However, the thing that really makes the application possible for title design is the animation part, which allows users to automatically animate characters, words or lines depending on exactly what you need.

Layout software is software that can be used to combine multiple assets to create a finished scene. For example, a single VFX shot might require a piece of green screen, background, some explosion elements, dust, and smoke to be shoved into the same scene. This would be incredibly difficult to do inside a regular video editor, but luckily you have After Effects!

A very useful and handy thing, making it easier to automate a process that usually takes longer to do. For example, there are some scripts, such as AE Sweets, that create form animations with just the click of a button. If you were an experienced Adobe After Effects user, you probably wouldn’t have a problem creating an animation, but a couple of clicks speeds up the whole process considerably. A few seconds saved here or there can end up being several hours saved over the course of a project.