
Stylization effects

The “Brush Strokes” effect
The “Brush Strokes” effect creates the effect of an image drawn with coarse strokes. You can also use this effect to create a pointillist style effect for the image. To do this, set the brush strokes length to 0 and increase the density of the strokes. Although the direction of the strokes is specified, they are scattered randomly in small volumes, which provides a more realistic result. This effect changes the alpha channel as well as the color channels. If a mask has been applied to part of the image, the brush strokes are applied over the edges of the mask.

Multiplication effect
The Multiplication effect simplifies and smooths shadows and colors in the image and adds edge strokes between components. The result is less transparency in areas of low contrast and more contrast in areas of high contrast. The result is an image that resembles a sketch or cartoon, or a sharper image. The Multiplication effect can be used to simplify or abstract the image for stylistic purposes, to draw attention to highly detailed areas, or to hide flaws in the original video footage.

The “Multiplication” effect offers a major advantage over some other effects and techniques used for a similar purpose. This advantage lies in the temporal coherence provided by the “Multiplication” effect. In other words, when you apply the “Multiplication” effect, the result for two different frames is not very different if they have a high degree of similarity.

Color Embossing Effect
The “Color Embossing” effect works in the same way as the “Emboss” effect, without suppressing the original colors of the image.

Embossing Effect
The Emboss effect sharpened the edges of objects in the image and suppressed colors. This effect also selects the edges at a specified angle. The layer quality settings determine the Emboss effect by adjusting the Emboss parameter. The “Emphasis” value is calculated to the nearest pixel when the “Best” quality is set, and rounded to the nearest pixel when the “Draft” quality is set.

Sets the transparency of the effect. The effect result is blended with the original image with the effect result superimposed on top. The higher the value selected, the less the effect affects the clip. For example, if set to 100%, the effect has no visible effect on the clip; if set to 0%, the original image is not viewable.

Edge highlight effect
The “Edge Highlight” effect identifies areas of the image that contain significant transitions, and highlights the edges. The edges can appear as dark lines on a white background or as colored lines on a black background. Images to which the Edge Highlight effect has been applied often look like a sketch of the original.

Glow effect
The Glow effect searches for the lighter parts of the image and then brightens those pixels and the surrounding pixels to create a diffuse glowing halo. The “Glow” effect is also capable of simulating overexposure of brightly lit objects. Glow can be created based on the image’s original colors or on its alpha channel. The “Glow” effect based on alpha channels creates diffuse brightness only at the edges of the image, between transparent and opaque areas. You can also use the Glow effect to create a gradient glow between two colors (colors A and B) and to create multicolor effects with cyclic processing.

Rendering the “Glow” effect by choosing the “Best” quality setting can change the appearance of the layer. This change is unavoidable, in particular when using arbitrary Adobe Photoshop maps to colorize the glow. Be sure to preview the “Best” quality before rendering the effect.